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A close-up on men's health

A close-up on men's health

What does a gunslinger, a horseshoe, a walrus, a pencil and handlebars all have in common? 


They are all different styles of moustaches and soon these fancy takes on the ol’ upper lip hair will be embellishing the faces of the men in our lives who are taking a stand for men’s health and supporting the Movember cause this month. 

Both funding and awareness is vital when it comes to the success of Movember’s mission, which is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health – something we here at ALI Group are proud to be a part of.

Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health. They stand for men’s mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer and the work they do is imperative to the future of men’s health, not only in our own backyard but around the globe.

This year, ALI Group are partnering with Movember with a goal to raise more than $15,000 towards the cause. We’ll be doing this by donating $25 for every new male covered with our loan and mortgage protection policies taken out through an ALI authorised mortgage broker during the month of November. 


A close up on men's health


When first researching the crisis that is men’s health, it was alarming to learn a reported 1 in 4 Australian men will die from cancer by the age of 851 and on average, globally, men are dying 6 years earlier than women, largely for preventable reasons2.

What’s more;

  • Globally, a man dies by suicide every single minute and in Australia, it’s reported that 75% of suicides are men3
  • In 2019, it is estimated that 28,070 men will die from cancer in Australia4
  • Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men – and to make matters worse, prostate cancer rates are expected to double over the next 15 years5.
  • Testicular cancer is the world’s most common cancer among men aged 15-39 years of age6 and testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50 years7


These statistics might be alarming, but it’s crucial to be informed about the health challenges facing the men in our lives. By talking about it and supporting causes like Movember, we can face this fight together and be hopeful for the future.


The wonderful work of the Movember Foundation


Movember is uniquely placed to address this crisis on a global scale. They fund ground breaking projects all over the world, engaging men where they are to understand what works best and accelerate change. 

Their goal by 2030 is to reduce the number of men prematurely dying by 25%. 

You don’t need to be a man to get involved either!

If growing out your upper lip hair isn’t for you, you can still get involved with Movember’s ‘Move’ challenge. By putting one foot in front of the other and running or walking 60 kilometres over the month.

That’s 60 kms for the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, every hour across the world. 

You can do this by yourself, with a friend, a team or even your workmates. Make yourself accountable by setting a goal and asking those around you to donate to your efforts.

You can also host a ‘Mo-Ment’ either in your home or somewhere in the community where you can bring people together to raise awareness and critical funding for Movember. 

How about getting your workplace together of a morning or afternoon tea? Or even a few drinks on a Friday? Movember is a unique, fun and easy way to build team spirit and engage colleagues and customers whilst raising awareness and vital funding.

All the information and tools you need to be successful in your fundraising goals can be found on the Movember website or by clicking the links below:

Grow a Mo, Save a Bro
Move for Movember
Host a Mo-Ment
Movember in the Workplace


Look out for yourself and for your mates


It’s important to check in with yourself and your mates, not just during Movember but year-round. We all deal with life’s challenges differently and some of us aren’t as willing to ask for help or speak up about what’s going on with us.

You can read Movember’s top five tips to know and do, here.

Beyond Blue also have some helpful tools to get you and your mates chin wagging as well as tips to taking better care of your health, too. You can read more, here.

Click here to support ALI’s Mo Team this month in their quest to raise $3,000 for the Movember Foundation.







About Emma Flanagan

Emma is the Senior Marketing and Communications executive at ALI Group. After completing a Bachelor of Communication with a Major in Journalism, Emma spent a couple of years living, travelling and working abroad before making her way home to Australia. Now, with firm roots back in her home town of the Central Coast in NSW, her and her husband just bought their very first home with the help of their mortgage broker. Now, Emma is here to help FHBs just like her by providing informative and educational content and to keep them abreast of what’s what when it comes to buying, refinancing and protecting themselves and their family from financial hardship. 

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